Johnnies are some of the most interesting people you’ll ever meet, reflected in the diverse opportunities to get involved on campus. While there are some st和bys (like the 牛虻, the student newspaper that’s been around since the ’80s, or the storied theater group the 威廉国王球员), 由于学生兴趣的不同,许多课程每年都在变化. 无论你是想在空闲时间读更多的书,还是想在舞池里发泄一下, there’s something for every Johnnie. Don’t see the club or activity that you want? 制作自己的.
If you appreciate the 艺术s, you’re in the right place. 爱电影? 加入电影协会, 在这里,cult经典, 常规的经典, 一些不被分类的电影在FSK礼堂免费放映. 天生就会演戏? 加入 威廉国王球员, 学生经营的戏剧系在FSK(偶尔也在校园其他地方)上演戏剧。. They do several productions a year, 跨越体裁,偶尔呈现学生原创作品. Previous productions have included 没有退出, 春天的觉醒, 皆大欢喜, [2], 世外桃源. (P.S. 有时教师也会加入其中——你可能会发现自己在和你的研讨班导师演奏!)
For visual 艺术ists, there’s the 美术课程. 近年来进行了翻新, the program offers classes in drawing, 绘画, 和陶瓷, “open studio” hours during which students can gather to create, frequent field trips to 艺术 museums in Baltimore, 华盛顿, DC, 及以后, 以及由导师主导的关于艺术主题(或特定作品)的艺术讨论. Open studio is home to acrylic, 水彩, 还有油画颜料, 刷, 彩笔, 炭, 画布, 铅笔, 标记, 油墨, 艺术书籍, materials like newsprint 和 magazines for collage. 最棒的是? Everything is completely free.
It goes without saying that Johnnies love to read 和 write, so there is naturally no shortage of opportunities to do both on campus. 为你的作品写作或发表在许多学生经营的出版物之一:the 牛虻, a bi-weekly newspaper that covers campus news, includes op-eds on current polity issues, 写诗, 艺术, 还有短篇小说; Energeia, the largest 艺术 publication on campus, 以散文为特色, 诗, 摄影, 绘画s; the 时代杂志, a qu艺术erly publication that runs op-eds, 认为作品, reportage from students on politics, 政策, 和社会; 棱镜, a newly established 摄影 magazine that’s open to all polity members; 和 the 苹果, a completely anonymous (和 often hilarious) newsletter run by students.
学习小组提供了学习节目以外的书籍或深入研究单个节目文本的机会. Most meet weekly 和 are a mix of tutors 和 students, recent subjects have included Whitman’s “Song of Myself,“语言学, 简·奥斯汀的小说, 和其他人.
只工作不玩耍? Not for Johnnies, thanks to Reality 和 Waltz P艺术ies.
大多数美国大学都有一个叫做学生活动委员会或学生活动办公室的机构. 在全球十大赌博靠谱平台在安纳波利斯, that’s called Reality—a wink to the Johnnie Bubble, 约翰尼倾向于完全沉浸在项目和十大赌博正规平台在线中,这是对他们的亲切称呼. 现实的政党, held frequently throughout the semester, offer students a chance to let loose a little. The Fall semester features an annual st艺术-of-term p艺术y, 啤酒节, 万圣节晚会, 和更多的, 以及由无所畏惧的执政官(这是全球十大赌博靠谱平台的—we told you it’s different here!)
Another important p艺术 of social life at SJC is dancing … or, 更具体地说, 华尔兹和摇摆舞. Waltz 和 Swing P艺术ies are beloved traditions on campus, beginning with the Convocation Waltz at the beginning of the year, where students decorate the quad with string lights 和 dance all night. The Waltz Committee throws several dances a semester, often with a theme (think: Under the Sea, 举办的化妆舞会, 袜子跳, 或睡衣华尔兹), students dress accordingly. 没有必要担心成为一个有经验的舞者-华尔兹委员会提前为所有学生提供“紧急”舞蹈课程. 有趣的事实:来自附近海军学院的海军军官候补生(和女学员)经常来学校参加华尔兹派对, 提供了一个与约翰尼泡泡店以外的人交往的机会.
Here, political discussion isn’t uncomfortable—it’s essential.
Politics are essential to the he艺术 of St. 约翰的 College, but not in the way you may think. 学生们关注的不是国家舞台上盛行的党派言论, 而是西方政治意识形态的发展和美国民主的基础. 整个学院由政体管理,政体包括整个圣. 通常用作直接称呼(比如:“Dear Polity…”)。. 在这个机构中有代表委员会(DC),即安纳波利斯校区的学生会. 每年, up to four delegates are elected to represent each class, 整个政体选出由总统组成的官员委员会, 财务主管, 秘书, 和先驱. DC在一周内召开多次会议,讨论当前对学生团体至关重要的问题,并决定俱乐部的资金申请和监督特许经营, 预算为, auditing all student clubs. 学生代表会亦是学生代表,负责维持学生团体之间的沟通, 教员, the college administration.
学生会的一个重要小组委员会是学生指导委员会, 其主要职能是作为指导委员会的政策联络人,并在从实验室手册到研讨会阅读的所有事情上发表意见. SCI旨在为学生团体提供一个讨论学术问题的论坛. 议员审议立法会. 约翰的计划, meet with prospective tutors, set up events such as discussion panels 和 extra seminars. SCI鼓励学生参与关于学术项目的持续对话.
If you want to make a difference, this is a great place to do it.
Johnnies are idea people with strong convictions. 你的每个同学都会对美德有自己的看法,许多人选择通过志愿服务和倡导来实践他们所宣扬的美德. The biggest student volunteer group on campus, 项目Politae, arranges group volunteer opportunities like elementary school tutoring, 老年中心活动, 无家可归者收容所的工作. 另一个是St。. 约翰环保俱乐部, 致力于提高校园对保护问题的认识, 保护, 保存, restoration—with an emphasis on educating 和 empowering students. Past projects of the club include setting up a bike-share program, 将食堂剩下的食物捐赠给灯塔(安纳波利斯的一个无家可归者预防支持中心), holding an E艺术h Day celebration, organizing seminars on various environmental topics.
If you’d prefer to get involved with a p艺术icular type of organization, the best way to find service opportunities is through 运作. 他们的机会日历经常更新,所以回头看看是否有新的机会. St. 约翰的 students frequently volunteer with the 斯坦顿社区中心, Touchstones Discussion Project, 光的房子.
这些信息是为了帮助我们社区的成员找到潜在的志愿者机会而编制的. St. 约翰的 College has not screened these organizations, 在这个列表中包含一个组织并不构成学院的认可或推荐.
体育运动 + Outdoor Activities
一个很棒的校内项目, 击剑, 航行, 冲浪…让身心与运动和户外运动同步.
Whether you’re into individual sports—like running, 击剑, 航行, or kayaking—or want to join the great tradition of 安纳波利斯 intramurals, there are plenty of opportunities to get exercise at St. 约翰的. 健身房, affectionately referred to as Temple Igleh艺术, 家里有健身课吗, 小篮球, 室内跑道, weightlifting 和 cardio equipment, 和更多的. 在校园的后面, the Hodson Boathouse offers the opportunity to take kayaks, 独木舟, paddleboards, 帆船, 更多信息请访问College Creek.
进一步了解我们的 运动+健身 offerings.
Find like-minded people or challenge your own beliefs. 有了致力于各种身份的团体,可能性是无限的.
约翰尼可能都遵循同样的学习计划,但他们绝不是同质的. 我们的校园是代表不同种族和民族背景的各种思想家的家园, 宗教信仰, sexual 和 gender identities, 政治倾向, 和更多的. 虽然研讨会的成功取决于我们对共同人性的认识, it also depends on the exchange of ideas 和 perspectives. 你会遇到与你过去认识的人不同的人(你可能会坚决反对他们)。, 但你也会找到一群和你有共同兴趣和价值观的朋友.
无论你是想挑战自己的信念,还是想和志同道合的人在一起, 校园里有一个不断变化的身份群体名册,可以参与其中. If you’re politically minded, join the Leftist Reading Group or its conservative counterp艺术, 鲁汶学会. 看看黑人学生会或粉红三角,校园里的LGBTQIA+俱乐部. 而全球十大赌博靠谱平台的 has no religious affiliation, there are a number of religious groups: the Christian Prayer Group, Shammai (a Jewish organization), the Orthodox Christian Fellowship, 举几个例子.
Interested in exploring another religion, culture, or perspective? 组织一个阅读小组. Recent study groups have focused on Latin, 德国, French conversation; James Joyce; Flannery O’Connor; Islamic texts; Fukuyama; 和 Plato’s 克里托.