约翰尼的书 is a database of books and dramatic works by St. 约翰学院的校友和教职员工. It includes Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award, and Academy Award nominees; O. Henry and Dayton Literary Peace Prize winners; New York Times Best Sellers and popular feature films; authors who are Guggenheim Fellows and National Humanities Medal winners; and much more. 这个平台展示了组成我们大学社区的独特多样性的观点, 展示了对最持久的人类问题的好奇心,以及俏皮和光明.
浏览下面推荐的书目或在数据库中搜索一本书或作者. 如果你是一个约翰尼作家, editor, or publisher, 我们鼓励您将您的书提交到不断增长的数据库,并成为我们充满活力的作家和读者社区不可或缺的一部分.
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